new kid on the blog. play with words that come to thought.
though they are not my best code, i welcome you on my board.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

the hardcore do understand

i took one day off today before Lebaran holiday started next monday.

just thought that i need a Me day - alone, after sad sad* moments last week.
*it's repeated because it's double sad, made me lost my appetite
**quite a lot help me on diet though. yes! wkwkwk..

so a ME day began with the Pepper Lunch for brunch
*yes, the appetite lost last week, but i found him back in 2 days, don't ask how :d

the things after might not be as interesting as food:
watch Kungfu Panda 2,
drink my fave Quickly milk tea,
buy new release comic - Conan,
get me a new outfit,
gas station,
go home.

what i really wanna write here is:
and really listen to the quotes

i keep some for my ownself.
touching and heartwarming.
just read it carefully :)

[let go]
Po: You've got to let go of that stuff from the past because it just doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now.

[be healed]
Po: Scars heal.
Lord Shen: No, they don't. Wounds heal.
Po: Oh, right. What do scars do? Fade?
Lord Shen: I don't care what scars do!

Mr. Ping: My son saved China - you too, can save! Buy one dumpling, get one free!
--> wkwkwkwk..

[tigress juga manusia, punya rasa punya hati]
Tigress: The hardcore do understand, but I can't watch my friend be killed.
*for all my tough friends: don't be so hard on ourselves, expressing sadness or love is just normal, we're born with heart anyway ;)
God bless us

Thursday, March 24, 2011

the Art of Life

just pop up in my mind :

to see the prosperous life, and meet the poor who sometimes are not less happier than the rich
that is His art to teach gratefulness

to be the smart among the average people, then feel stupid among the smart ones
that is the art of shaping my humility

to give up upon a condition, but then receive the best one
that is the art of surrender

to be jealous sometimes, and get blushed at many happy moments
that is the art of loving someone

(i like this one!)
to feel the salt, and taste the sweet one after
that is the art of enjoying food :)

to see nothing and feel down, but keep the faith
that is the art of persevering

to hate my imperfect body, but then feel pretty sometimes
that is the art of accepting myself however God has created

then i start to think,
to get something bad before the good one,
might be one of His ways to give us the opportunity to enjoy everything at best.

~ the food will taste the best not when it is served hot, but when we are starving ~ quote by myself :p

thank You God.
hug God.
cayang2 God.

: D